Innovation and R&D
Setacoat is ambitious to create high quality , competitive and environmentally friendly products.
Journey of Innovation begins with requests from customers, society or future requirements, where it meets with our specialized staff and latest technology equipments.
R&D principles of Setacoat are :
» Competitiveness
» Efficiency
» Environmetally Friendliness
Technology Center Begins its Work
Setas Tecnology Center became operational in 2011.
Setaş Kimya, has invested in high-quality workforce and latest technology in order to realize market expectations in advance , to take part in national and international projects . Apart from scientific reaserch, Setas has invested in Technolgy Center for increasing competitiveness of their business partners as well as the ability of creating new ,creative and environmentally friendly solutions based on science.
To become a pioneer in the advancement of the technical infrastructure, research team of experienced R&D personnel from all sectors combined under the umbrella of multidisciplinary Technology Center business unit. This unity has set up a new frontier.
Setas is proud to announce, with this new structure , has been awarded by Industry and Trade Ministry Of Turkey an "R&D Center Certificate". This certificate is only given to few organizations with R & D personnel of no less than 50 people with required projects and equipment to realize these projects.
Contact : technology_center@setas.com.tr